Friday, December 19, 2008

Let the party planning begin...

Whoo-hoo, I'm off work until January 5th 2009. Now I need to get busy around the house and be a Mom. The kids have a half day today and then they are off too. I need to sort through and mark all the boxes that are being dropped off by who the kids call the 'Present Man' (aka UPS driver). Lynn, Ed, Kyle, Eddie and Gary sent presents for everyone. I used to open them up and wrap them all, but this year's theme is going to be cardboard, no wrapping, maybe a
Then I need to go grocery shopping for Christmas brunch, I was going to try a new menu but the usual is so good and pretty easy to prepare. So we're going with easy. Plus I need to get stuff for Christmas dinner, for Paul's dad and whoever else wants to come or stay over there is always plenty. Next is Hunter's Birthday party on the 27th, the first time we actually are having his party on the actual birthday. We were thinking easy food, like hot dogs, hot links, and maybe Aunt Kathy can make her chili that Paul's dad loved so much...hint, hint...I still need to call her.
Then Ed, Gary and Kiki are coming in for her party on January 3rd, thankfully Eddie is doing the food. Can't wait for that.
Well I must get busy around here, laundry is calling...

1 comment:

Nicole M said...

Hi Aunt Dani, I love your blog as well...its great to keep up on a daily basis!! Thanks for your comment, I appreciate the encouragment. I can't wait for all your parties..we should really all get together more!! Do I hear another family trip around the corner?? Maybe?? Ok, we'll see.
I can't wait to see you guys really soon!!