Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hunter's Birthday

Saturday the 27th was Hunter's Birthday and Party. He had a great day, here are a few pictures from the party.

Next party is Kiki's birthday and Christmas...pictures to follow

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas - round two!

The whole family was over with a lot of laughs and fun as usual. We had a really fun day I hope everyone else did too. I didn't really take that many because I was running around like a crazy person as usual. Hunter took a ton of pictures with Nancy's camera. He was taking pictures of every one's butt. (?) I think there may be a new game, called name that butt...oh, help us!! Well now we are off to get things for the next party, Hunter's Birthday party on Saturday. Enjoy the few pictures...

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Morning - round one!

This was bright and early when the kids got up and saw all their presents from Santa.
In about an hour all the Family will be over for fun and more presents....

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Monday, December 22, 2008


I picked the wrong time to hurt my back...I know there's never a right time but NOW in the middle of this busy time. I think I just bent over a twisted the wrong way and ouch. I've never had lower back pain before, and man it hurts. So needless to say this weekend I was basically bedridden. This morning I took four Advil and went to the store. I had to get all the grocery shopping done and of course the store didn't have everything so, now I'm off to another store before the Advil wear off. Off I go, wish me luck!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Let the party planning begin...

Whoo-hoo, I'm off work until January 5th 2009. Now I need to get busy around the house and be a Mom. The kids have a half day today and then they are off too. I need to sort through and mark all the boxes that are being dropped off by who the kids call the 'Present Man' (aka UPS driver). Lynn, Ed, Kyle, Eddie and Gary sent presents for everyone. I used to open them up and wrap them all, but this year's theme is going to be cardboard, no wrapping, maybe a bow...lol
Then I need to go grocery shopping for Christmas brunch, I was going to try a new menu but the usual is so good and pretty easy to prepare. So we're going with easy. Plus I need to get stuff for Christmas dinner, for Paul's dad and whoever else wants to come or stay over there is always plenty. Next is Hunter's Birthday party on the 27th, the first time we actually are having his party on the actual birthday. We were thinking easy food, like hot dogs, hot links, and maybe Aunt Kathy can make her chili that Paul's dad loved so much...hint, hint...I still need to call her.
Then Ed, Gary and Kiki are coming in for her party on January 3rd, thankfully Eddie is doing the food. Can't wait for that.
Well I must get busy around here, laundry is calling...

Monday, December 15, 2008

Big Bear Snow...finally

Nancy sent this from the Cabin. I hope they have chains....
Posted by Picasa

Friday, December 12, 2008

Here are the pictures from the Parade.

We had a blast with our good friends the Eynon's, Enjoy the Slideshow...

Monday, December 8, 2008

What the Chicken?!

You know when you see something you just have to buy it. Well this was a perfect shirt for Hunter...
He loves the Chicken and he really doesn't have A.D.D. (no offense-it's just a funny shirt)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Special Guest at the after parade party

These picture are from the party after the Christmas parade.
Thanks to my friend Christine she took this picture for me.
We had a good time and of course Santa was the highlight after the parade. The kids were a little tired and thirsty as usual, but it was a fun night.
We will receive lots more photos from the Boeing photographer and I will post then when they are available. There are a bunch of really cute ones.
Have a great week...

Friday, December 5, 2008

A busy weekend ahead...

Tis' the season to be busy, and it all starts this weekend and continues on in to the New Year, our calendar is filling up fast. Tonight we have an awards ceremony for Kimber's Girl Scouts and then a little reception afterwards. Saturday morning Kimber begins her hip-hop dance class. She has been looking forward to that for a while now. Then Saturday night we are marching in the Belmont Shore Christmas Parade this will be our 3rd year marching with my work. It is a really fun night we march in the parade and then go back to my work on a bus and have a nice dinner and entertainment then Santa comes and brings each and every child a very nice gift. Sunday Kimber sings at chapel and then hopefully we can stay home rest and get ready for the week ahead. I'll make sure I post pictures of our fun weekend on the next posting. Well I must get back to the laundry, and cleaning on my Friday off.
Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Who remember these? We still use them every year. It's Mom's turkey platter, veggie bowl and potato masher. We had a great day Uncle Dan's turkey and all my fixins', we make a good team even though Dan had to work I made sure he got lots of leftovers for dinner tonight. Hunter and Aunt Nancy played Wii bowling, Nancy is proud of her win over him. Hunter got her in baseball though. It's time for the food coma.

We had a good anniversary as well, I got a really cute purse a Mickey Mouse Harveys seat belt bag, it's way cute. Thank you Baby!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My morning conversation with Hunter...

Daddy was getting ready to leave for work as he was leaving he told Hunter make sure you help Mommy around the house today. As I walked into the den I noticed Hunter had stated playing his video game. I said, "Whats going to happen when Daddy asks if you helped me today, I'm going to have to tell the truth". He gets up and looks me right in the face and says, "I hope Santa brings me a dictionary for Christmas because I did not understand a word of what you just said". All I could do is laugh, the things that come out of that kids mouth, he is so funny. We call them Hunterisms!
Have a good day!

Monday, November 24, 2008

The week off...

Well today is the first day of vacation. Me and the Kids are off this week, yippee! Today we've been busy putting the first Christmas tree; my Flamingo tree. We'll do the Family tree tomorrow. Yes we have two Christmas trees, why? Well we have so many ornaments that I had to get another tree, that started a couple of years ago. My Flamingo tree is all my flamingo and beachy ornaments that I've collected and been given throughout the years, yes there are so many that I can fill a whole tree. The Family tree is all the ornaments that we had when we were growing up, and all of those have special memories. The kids get a kick out of hearing the stories that go along with each one. We've added some of our family ornaments among the many and have started a few of our own traditions as well. I love the holiday season.
Now not to completely ignore Thanksgiving, we will have some family over for the day. It's also Paul and My 9th wedding anniversary. We plan to go to Big Bear for a long weekend if Paul can get Friday off. It should be fun plus it's going to snow this week up there. I have a lot to be grateful for.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Almost forgot Shrek


I braved the ash and smoke to put up some Christmas joy. It was terrible weekend of fires. I pray everyone is safe.

Merry EARLY Christmas!

Monday, November 10, 2008

It's never too early to decorate for Christmas!

I am going to decorate the house this weekend...pictures to follow!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Saturday morning...

I'm sitting here after a long week enjoying the sounds of the weekend at the Elledge house. Daddy and Kimber are making breakfast. I hear an occasional, mommy Kimber is being a goofy goober...yeah that was Daddy doing the "tattling". Hunter is in the den, since he had such a good week he gets to play his game for a bit. Plus, he's not feeling well. Poor thing sounds horrible terrible cough and cold. But he is still smiling and laughing.
This week we had parent teacher conferences. I hate the anticipation of the conferences, you know going to talk to the teacher. Anyway, they turned out great. The kids are doing really well this year. Hunter has won his teacher over big time. She was gushing with how much she enjoys having him in her class. Already the charmer, watch out girls. Kimber's teacher said she is very bright and has potential of being a straight 'A' student. Hmm, she didn't get that from me...lol
Coco is chasing Kitty all over the house, poor Kitty no wonder he wants outside so bad...this house is definitely not a quiet house in the morning.
Breakfast is ready...thanks baby!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Got Nuts?

Today we sold Girl Scout nuts at Wal-Mart. At least it didn't rain on us.

Anyone want any nuts?

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

We went over to a friends house and the Dad's took the kids out trick-or-treating, while the Moms stayed and passed out the candy. It was a fun night, thanks to Mary and Reuben for the use of their home.

Here is the usual bunch of Ghouls...

Monday, October 27, 2008

A little down time...

My Internet was down most of the weekend. Everything is up and running, finally. I despise waiting for service people to come out.

Anyway on we go...

Saturday was Hunter's last football game and without going into the details. The game was forfeited and it was a bit scary. Look for it on Youtube. It seemed somewhere along the line some of the"adults" forgot the game was about the kids enjoying themselves, learning a bit about football and to having fun....Enough said.

Sunday's baseball game. Yeah that was OUR son that made the play of the season...(if we do say so ourselves). Crack! A hard line drive right to second base and he caught it, for the third out to end the game. Yippee... The sad thing was that I missed it. I had to leave because Kimber is sick and she couldn't stay out in the night air. She is stayed home from school today, she has a nasty cold but hopefully it will run it's course quickly and not keep her down for long.

We went to our Halloween party (thanks Uncle Dan and Aunt Nancy for babysitting). It was fun, I dressed as a referee and Paul was a tourist. He wore his floppy hat, and zinc on his nose. Funny.

Have a good week...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Games

Saturday's football game was great they won, one more game to play and it's against Torrance.

Sunday's baseball game was a LONG one. I think it was only like 3 innings and it took over an hour and a half...a real snooze that was. Hunter did good; he hit the ball once and got hit once (lol...whatever it takes to get on that base).

This weekend we have a Halloween party (no kids), anyone want to babysit?


Friday, October 17, 2008

Happy Birthday to me...

Yeah I had a Birthday this week...Can you believe it? I'm 45 years old. Ha, how many of you feel really old now? I had a great day, I got some very nice cards and gifts (thanks to all of you) and Paul and the kids gave me a beautiful watch. We went out to dinner, and even though Paul tried I didn't get embarassed at the resturant. We sit down and he says to the waitress, "I'd like you and the whole resturant to know it's my wife's birthday". He's very good at that stuff.

Tonight we have a Pizza night with the families we went on vacation with. We always have so much fun together, lots of laughs and I always end up laughing so much my stomach hurts. Can't wait for that.

Tomorrow Hunter's game is in Redondo Beach, hopefully his Aunts and Uncles can make it @ 12:30. He says he is going to get 10 flags. I'll report the results later. It's the second to the last game of an undefeated season. GO Tigers -rarrrrr!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What the Chicken?!

Okay, for those of you who know Hunter. You know how funny he is, actually he and Daddy are EXACTLY alike. Well a couple of month's back Hunter started saying; "what the chicken strips is that all about?" now it's just; "What the Chicken?". Well the other day while I was in Target I see these costumes for animals and what do they have; a Chicken hat...So yeah, I had to get it for Coco and Kitty. I snuck in and put it on Coco, and I thought Hunter was going to pee his pants, he laughed so hard (that's the Valenzuela in him). So anyway, that is what this is all about, and you can see how much Coco loves her Halloween costume. Kitty well He won't be caught dead in such a thing, therefore no picture of him...yet!
ps. Love the tooth, a face only a mother can love.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Look who's on the cover...

Kimber our Girl Scout Star...

This picture was taken 2 summers ago, these are her buddies Kiandra and Sara.
It's kind of hard to see but you can see it really well on their website http://www.gscglb.org/ you can go there it's on the middle of the home page and click and make it bigger it's a cute picture of the girls.

Baseball Sunday

Hunter plays Fall ball a real casual league, it's to get the little guys ready for kid pitch. They don't keep score but Hunter did well; he hit it and got on base fielded a few balls. It was fun.
Before the game we went to lunch/dinner with Grandpa and then went to the game. He likes to watch the kids play.

The kids received their 1st quarter progress reports; they both did excellent. Surprisingly well in behavior, hmmmm. I suppose that is ultimate goal; how they behave in public and in school, even if they are hellions at home. Ha!

Have a good week!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Football...the wind bowl

Wow, was it windy and chilly this morning. We had to be at the field at 6:45 for Hunter's game. He plays on the Tigers team. They are undefeated, we've never had a team score more than one touchdown on us. We had a little scare today I think they scored twice. I think the final score was 23-13, the reason why I don't know is because the wind blew down the score board. Hunter pulled two flags today he's doing really well this year. The picture is a collage that a photographer made, it's got Hunter and Daddy. It's really nice.

Tomorrow is baseball. I'll post those results the next time. We are now off to a pool party for the Team..Brrrrr

See ya!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

While we were on vacation in August. We had our living room redone. We had the carpet taken up and the hardwood floors refinished, walls textured, painted, new moldings and baseboards. It was nice that it happened while we were off enjoying oursleves. Here are some pictures of our new living room/dining area

Our vacation. We went with three other families to San Diego, here is a website of our vacation http://sandiegoorbust2008.shutterfly.com/


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Just another Tuesday...

Yesterday I was feeling like such a bad mom. I forgot to put Hunter's hearing aids in. I emailed his teacher and asked how he was doing and she replied saying, he's doing just fine. Good but now I hear, "see mom I told you I didn't need them". Not a great step in the struggle of getting him get used to them. He's doing better at first it was, "why me - no one else has them" I felt really bad, and tried to explain that God made him special, etc. It was still rough on him.
Anyway the day went on. Kimber and I went to Girl Scouts and Daddy and Hunter had a boys night out, plus homework, showers and bed...then it was ah, feet up and watch dwts...

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Our Crazy Life...the Elledge's

I decided to give this blogging a try. Just try and keep up with this crazy life of ours...